Program 2024
Waldar courses:
Wednesday 6 March: start first Wednesday evening painting course (until 17 April)
Wednesday 1 May: start second Wednesday evening course (until 12 June)
January 10: "The School of Athens" - aesthetic explanation painting by Rafael
Tuesday 12 March: "Corner of the veil" - Therapeuticum Rotterdam
Saturday 6 April: "Inner free schooling" - Vrijeschool Middelburg
Exhibitions Waldar:
Sunday 3 March: Exposition Easter time painting Christengemeenschap Veldhoven
November 2024: Exposition series of Passion paintings CG - Leeuwarden
Still in planning: Exposition painting series CG - The Hague
Still in planning: Exposition painting series CG - Aachen
Exhibition during Hans Stolp's next lecture - in planning
Story telling:
The Pied Piper of Hamelin (May -June - July)
Summer holidays - workshops
In the summer holidays, I will give two courses in France (living and working community Ecolonie). On the one hand a children's workshop "make your own magic toy" and on the other hand a workshop for adults "make your own colour mood".
© Waldar 2025